Manufacturing Process

Production Process

As an industrial manufacturer of leather and textile jackets, our production process is optimized for batch production. We utilize the latest technology and machinery to ensure that every jacket we produce is of the highest quality.

Design FInalization

We work closely with retail brands to understand their design requirements and create a unique design that meets their specifications.

Pattern Making

Once the design is finalized, we move on to pattern making, where we create a template for the jacket that will be used to cut the fabric.

Raw Material Selection

 Our sourcing process is carefully monitored to ensure that we select materials that are durable, sustainable, and ethical.


We use state-of-the-art cutting machines to precisely cut the fabric according to the pattern dimensions. This ensures consistency and accuracy across all batches.


We offer customization options for our clients, such as adding logos or special features to the jackets to make them unique to their brand.


Our experienced team stitches the jacket components together using high-quality materials and threads, ensuring durability and longevity of the finished product.


The final step in the process is finishing. This involves adding the final touches to the jacket, such as attaching buttons or zippers, washing and waxing, and adding any other embellishments.

Quality Control

 Throughout the entire process, quality control measures are implemented to ensure that the jacket is of the highest quality. This includes checking the materials, dimensions, and stitching of the jacket.


We package the jackets securely in accordance with our client’s specifications. This may include individual plastic bags or other packaging options. We can also provide custom packaging solutions like barcode labeling upon request.


We specialize in export shipments and offer international shipping services by air and sea market at competitive prices, through our logistic forwarding partners. Our shipping service includes customs clearance and all necessary documentation to ensure timely and hassle-free delivery